What is Deep Ecumenism?

Deep Ecumenism is a theology of inter-faith and intra-faith coexistence. Coined by Reverend Matthew Fox, Deep Ecumenism is not a solitary practice but requires partnership, empathy, and dialogue with people from diverse faiths, cultures, ideologies, sects, and traditions.

Central to Deep Ecumenism is the understanding that while discovering similarities is important, it is equally, if not more important to celebrate our differences. Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi z’’l described it as an organismic model: just as the body cannot survive on the lungs or kidneys alone, the world requires all its traditions and cultures to sustain a healthy human ecosystem. As he often said, “You can’t get all of your vitamins from one source.”

Participating in Deep Ecumenism is an act of deep faith. It requires the willingness to recognize the "right-ness" of another tradition on an equal level with one's own, without fearing the loss of one's identity. It requires faith that, no matter what changes may occur in the process, you are exactly who and what you are meant to be.

It is also an act of good faith. You cannot engage in dialogue believing that you and your ideology will always be right in the end, or by comparing the perfect ideal of your heritage with the messy reality of your partner’s.

What is the Institute for Deep Ecumenism?

The Institute is where we dive deep into the study of Deep Ecumenism. You can experience this transformative material by enrolling in one of our in-person, virtual, or hybrid courses or workshops.

Everything begins with our flagship course, Beyond Interfaith: Learning to Thrive in a Diverse World. This core course, taught by the institute’s founder, Rabbi Victor Gross, Ph.D, leads you on an exploration into how each religion’s dogmas, myths, and theologies create the divisions of triumphalism, the idea that we are always right and the other person or group is always wrong. The course delves deeply into the critical need to change the historical narratives of division and competition, instead coming to understand how Deep Ecumenism is the path that is necessary for spiritual and cultural evolution.

The Institute for Deep Ecumenism host educators, scholars, and innovators across faith traditions, providing a space for students to learn and pursue the next phase of cultural and spiritual diversity.

Who is Deep Ecumenism for?

Our institute is for you if:

  • You are called to lead your community into deep and profound encounters with ‘the other’, seeking to transform relationships heal our broken world.

  • You are an educator, spiritual or lay leader, artist, or healer, seeking to develop more meaningful relationships in which differences are better understood and joyously celebrated.

  • You are a chaplain, seeking to improve your knowledge and skills when working in multi-faith environments, such as hospitals, hospices, workplaces, and many more.

Upcoming IDE Events

Meet The Faculty

  • Yoreshet Ruach D'vorah Grenn, Ph.D

    Dept. Chair

  • Rabbi Victor Gross, Ph.D

    Founding Chair

  • Mashpi'ah Ruchanit Maryrita Wieners, MA, LPC
