Yerusha is

Education ּ Spirituality ּ Community ּ Justice

Upcoming Events

Yerusha [en: Legacy]

is a progressive, multi-faith educational organization, founded by Jewish spiritual leaders, committed to interfaith diversity and paradigm shift.

What We Do

From multi-faith educational programs to spiritual retreats and family resources we are grounded in the richness of heritage, while looking forward to a progressive future.

Will you be part of this legacy?

“The only way to get it together is… together!”

—Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi z’’l

Our Partners

  • The Lilith Institute™

    A Center For Feminist Spirituality

  • Zen Peacemakers International

    To realize our oneness and relieve suffering through contemplative social action

  • Sage-ing International

    Wisdom and Spirit in Action

Recent Writing