What is Wisdom School?

Secrets My Grandmother Told Me is a transmission of indigenous, ancient Canaanite wisdom - with Kabbalistic and Chassidic insight woven throughout - passed down from generation to generation, mother to daughter, grandmother to granddaughter, for millennia.

The wisdom is both ancient and new, as each generation has added their own to the mix, forming an evolving tradition.

At its core, it is about relationship - with ourselves, others, our planet and the Divine.

The wisdom of Secrets My Grandmother Told Me was brought out of obscurity by Rabbi Nadya Gross, who received these secrets from her paternal grandmother, often in the kitchen.

Wisdom School honors each individual and their gifts. We are all unique and we are all essential to the whole.

Who is Wisdom School for?

Our Wisdom School is open to those seeking to learn to love themselves and offer their unique gifts to the unfolding of creation in every moment. It engages seekers across the gender spectrum and from any faith tradition.

It is for those who are ready to become part of a community, learning to be open to the wisdom transmitted from the divine Source at all times.

Wisdom School welcomes students of all ages into two-year cohorts, either hybrid or fully virtual. Will you join us?

Wisdom School Prerequisite Courses

  • Encountering The Tree of Life Pt 1: Unveiling

    Unlock the secrets of the Tree of Life and the mystical Kabbalistic Four Worlds in just two enlightening sessions. Discover how this ancient wisdom can enrich your life, offering practical tools for achieving balance and aligning with your deepest values.

  • Encountering The Tree of Life Pt 2: Embodying

    This four-week course offers a unique perspective through the lens of a female kabbalistic tradition. Throughout the course, you'll discover how the Tree’s attributes manifest within yourself, and learn practical techniques to cultivate balance and harmony in your life and relationships.

  • Encountering The Tree of Life: At Your Own Pace

    This DIY course brings together both parts 1 and 2, in a series of video lessons, exercises, and other resources to be completed in your own time.

Participants Say

  • “Wisdom school was exactly what I needed and didn’t really know it. And I think that will be true for you. Wisdom school is gentle and makes big waves. It will transform how you think of yourself, what you feel about G!d, how you receive. I go to Wisdom School for deeply resonating prayer, connection with the true hearts of others, inward journeys that open doors and clear out rotten debris. There is always soothing for pain and a comfort in shared longings. There is authenticity, receiving, embodiment of the divine. I learned a creation story I can embrace and a co-creation imperative that empowers me. Savta and Reb Nadya are the finest teachers and living models that you can have.”

    Yoreshet Me'ira Gale - 5th Cohort

  • “Wisdom School broadened my horizons and gave me confidence in my own inner wisdom. Reb Nadya is a gifted teacher and guide and a conduit through which Savta’s teachings are shared with grace, ease and love. Her respect and compassion for her students is like a gentle breeze on a summers’ day. Her presence is enriching, engaging and illuminating. Reb Nadya is Love!”

    Shelly [Shoshana Batya] Goldberg - 5th Cohort

Meet the Team

  • Rabbi Nadya Gross, MA

    Dept. Chair
    Yoreshet Rishonah

  • Rabbi David Curiel

    Program Manager

  • Yoreshet Ruach D'vorah Grenn, Ph.D


Are You Ready?

If this community is exactly what you’re looking for, sign up to learn more about the next Wisdom School circle and other offerings from Secrets My Grandmother Told Me!