Meet Our People

Mashpi’ah Ruchanit Maryrita Miryam Rut HaZoheret Wieners, MA, LPC

Instructor, Institute for Deep Ecumenism


  • TBA

Awards, Certificates, and Degrees

  • Reb Bahira Sugarman Devoted Service Award
    Yerusha (2022)

Maryrita brings her Deep Ecumenism core, interweaving Catholicism, including 20 years as a Sister of St. Joseph and training as an Ignatian Spiritual Director and Judaism, including certification as a Mashpi’ah Ruchanit [Spiritual Director/Companion]. 

For almost 30 years she has been guiding couples, individuals, and groups in building bridges of dialogue as an Imago Relationship therapist and consultant, teaching skills of safe listening and presence while working in private practice as Licensed Professional Counselor and Pastoral Psychotherapist.  She has graduate degrees from Saint Charles Seminary School of Religious Studies and The Catholic University of America. 

She and her husband Dan “practice, practice, practice” crossing the bridge and the Imago dialogue, both being so core to their loving relationship and commitment that their ketubah, the Jewish Marriage Covenant, contains an image of a bridge and an Imago paragraph about connecting and listening as well as their daily commitment promise, “Ani l’dodi v’dodi li, I am my beloved and you are mine.”   Maryrita daily practices mirroring, crossing the bridge, and seeing the Face of God, Mama Shechinah, in All Creation.