Meet Our People

Amitai Yizhar Rafiq Khadijah Gross, MA

Chief Operating Officer and EVP, Strategic Development
Publisher and Chief Revenue Officer, Yerusha Magazine



  • Gross, Amitai. “Post-Triumphalism as a Foundation For Religious Coexistence,” 2016.

  • Music In The Key of Peace. United States: Self, 2010.

Awards, Certificates, and Degrees

  • “Staff Superhero” Employee of The Year Award
    Yerusha (2022)

  • Master of Arts, Coexistence and Conflict Resolution
    Heller School for Social Policy and Management, Brandeis University (2016)

  • Bachelor of Arts, Conflict Resolution & Music Composition
    Bennington College (2011)

  • Alan Kornberg ‘74 Chairman’s Scholarship for The Advancement of Public Action
    Bennington College (2011)

  • Certificate, Mediation Training
    Bennington College Center For The Advancement of Public Action (2008)

  • Ordination, Maggid u’Baal Sippurim [Preacher and Master of Stories]
    Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi, P’nai Or Religious Fellowship (2003)

Maggid Amitai was mentored and ordained by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi z’’l as Maggid u’Ba’al Sippurim [Preacher and Master of Stories], and has served on guest pulpits at communities and college campuses around the United States. Before joining Yerusha, Amitai consulted for nonprofit and for-profit businesses alike, helping startups get their feet off the ground. With a background in mediation and dialogue facilitation, they have helped teams and parties in conflict to engage in difficult conversations, seeing conflict as a valuable opportunity for growth, rather than something to be avoided. Amitai currently serves on the Advisory Board of the University of Colorado, Colorado Springs Strategic Artificial Intelligence Certificate Program.

From a diverse family tree of Chassidim, Litvakers, Orthodox Christians, Bolsheviks, and Palestinian Jews, Amitai embraces their unique and complex identity today as a Heterodox Marxist-Chasidic-Muslim. Their spiritual practice is based in silent meditation, which they have practiced and taught to others for nearly two decades. Raised in a progressive and religious Jewish family, Amitai began their journey towards Islam while in graduate school, recited their shahada in 2020, and in 2023, chose their Muslim names, Rafiq, a male name meaning a beloved friend, and Khadijah, named for the first wife of Prophet Muhammad (سَلَامُ ٱللَّٰهِ عَلَيْهَا), the first convert to Islam, and was the prophet’s mentor, benefactor, guide, and most trusted advisor; she represents the communal and non-hierarchical strength of matriarchy.

Amitai is a composer, songwriter, poet, multi-instrumentalist, and film-maker. Their documentary, Music In The Key of Peace, was filmed in Palestine/Israel in 2010 and toured the US in 2011. Their first and truest love will always be the trumpet. In their spare time, they study books on socialist theory and history with their friends, support local labor organizing efforts, play Dungeons and Dragons every week, and read comic books.